eConsult for Minor Illnesses – is now Live

(Click on the picture to go to our eConsult pages)

Our eConsult GP online consultation service for same day minor illness conditions is now live and we have already had excellent feedback on it.

In addition the service has lots of information so you can check whether you can self manage your issue or get help from your pharmacist. It also directs you to services you can self refer to without seeing your GP – Physio, Counselling to name but 2.

If you need need advice or help from our clinicians, you complete a short form that asks you about your condition (confidentially) – the same questions your clinician would ask. This allows your clinician to quickly assess your problem before calling you, inviting you in for a same day appointment or signposting you to an appropriate service.

You can use eConsult if you are 16 years or above, and parents can also use it for their children who are 6 months or older.

It is quick and easy to use. It saves you time. You can use it 24/7. We can diagnose and begin your treatment quicker. We can therefore help more patients.

We are in the process of migrating our same day access for Minor Illness completely across to eConsult for those with IT/Smart phone access.

Please see our website for details, and Help Us to Help You by using our eConsult.