Code of Conduct

Staff behaviour

At Montgomery House we strive for the highest levels of professional behaviour.

During consultations, we will always try our best to do the following:

  • Listen to, and respond to your concerns and preferences.
  • Give you the information you want or need in a way you can understand.
  • Respect your right to reach decisions with us about treatment and care.
  • Support you in caring for yourself to improve and maintain your health.

Both within and outside of consultations we always aim to:

  • Treat patients as individuals and respect their dignity.
  • Treat patients politely and considerately.
  • Respect patients’ right to confidentiality.

If you have concerns with regards to a member of staff or aspect of care at the surgery, we welcome feedback and would always prefer you discuss them with our staff in the first instance. If they are unable to help address your concern, then patients are invited to talk to our Assistant Practice Manager as a next step.

Patient behaviour

Just as one would expect respectful behaviour from our members of staff, we would expect that respect to be mutual. We would not consider the following behaviour from patients acceptable within the surgery, in public or online:

  • Obscene or abusive language directed at, or used to describe, members of staff (including that relating gender, sexuality, race, religious beliefs, disabilities, illnesses, or any of the above relating to family/partners).
  • Threatening, intimidating or violent language or behaviour.
  • Damaging and demonstrably false statements relating to access, treatment, other aspects of care or members of staff. (Defamation / libel)

Patients behaving in any of these ways may be contacted with a warning or removed from the practice list at the discretion of the Practice Manager or Partners.