Doctor’s Fitness To Work Certificate – New Condition 8 days or more (No GP Appointment Wanted)

For your Doctor to be able to provide a Fitness to Work Certificate (Sick Note) for the first time for a new episode of illness/injury they need to have undertaken a consultation with you.

We appreciate that a patient will want a certificate to start from the day they contact us, but as you will appreciate this IS NOT a high priority activity for the Practice when we are trying to manage the demands upon us.

Therefore to overcome this,if you want a Fitness to Work Certificate for a New Conditions (BUT YOU DO NOT not want to see or speak to the GP , you are required to submit an  online eConsult form to obtain a Fitness to Work Certificate.  

On the first page of eConsult, please state “SICK NOTE ONLY REQUEST”, when the problem started, e.g. 1 October 2019, and what period you need it to cover, e.g. 8012 October 2019.

To go to eConsult click here …